A three-part series of posts exploring the what, why and how of Siemens Xcelerator- this is part three– how it does it and why.
This post is about “how Siemens Xcelerator does it and why,” from my perspective.
My aim in three separate posts all linked here is to explore the Siemens Xcelerator, firstly what it is, secondly, what it does and thirdly, how it does it.
These three posts are “looking into” Siemens. I am looking from the outside to see the value of this launch announcement of the Siemens Xcelerator Digital Business Platform. The launch proposal offers much.
How Siemens Xcelerator does it and why means what?
The stated objective: “Siemens AG has launched an open digital business platform, Siemens Xcelerator, to accelerate digital transformation and value creation for customers of all sizes in industry, buildings, grids and mobility. The business platform makes the digital transformation easier, faster and scalable.”
The real key here is the open connections between solutions and all engaged parties in the interactions and transactions.