Everywhere you turn it seems to be all about Gen AI and how it will change the world. The fears, excitement, opportunity and the huge amounts of money being invested is mind-boggling. Any fundamental change is exactly that- full of fear and opportunity.
So where does innovation fit within this?
I have read different views but most seem to be simply dressing their existing tools and methods in the those brighter new clothes of Gen AI appeal.
I would suggest we have been given a chance, a real chance, to transform the way we undertake innovation and that is not just a “lick of paint” or a hasty re-fit of the existing, this needs something a whole lot more.
I took a look at 1) how can AI drive innovation in different ways, 2) would this require a new operating model and 3) how the innovation workflow will require a transformational change to the operating model and 4) the outcome of a fundamental rethinking of how innovation is approached and executed.
We need to leverage speed, scale and impact of Gen AI and delivering this at fast rates for consumer appeal and market development need and growth.
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