I do, it seems, work a lot on integrating systems. So much of this work is specifically focused on advancing innovation in processes, design, and flows through applying Ecosystem thinking and design. So much of what we discover seems to always fall between gaps in how we organize this into a cohesive whole getting to a commercial conclusion.
There are many reasons, for example, it could be in the handover from one person to another or team to team, it could be the ignoring of aspects that seemed unimportant earlier on, ignored as a concept progresses and completely forgotten at the final stages, yet this insight or nugget of information held the key to unlocking a discovery moment. We seem bad at integrating our thinking or processes, hence my constant “quest” to find ways to bring things together for integrated thinking and designs.
This is why I focus on Ecosystems in thinking and design. The other day I picked up on something in my research I felt was important within Business Ecosystems thinking. It took a while to put this into the understanding that “really” seems to talk to me and I hope you
Let me explain as I think it is important:
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