Sustainability is the new growth core

Since the current COVID-19 pandemic, the recognition and evaluation of sustainability have taken a much higher place in the boardrooms of our larger organisations. Much of this initial focus will improve the reporting around the ESG goals and establish their own performance in more confident ways. I would argue these are the basic building blocks of a fundamental change, recognizing that sustainability will become the core of the future business design.

As we have embraced digital change, much of the business landscape has shifted. Business is being more informed through the data and analysis it undertakes; it has relearned how to react in sustaining crisis (dealing with the pandemic) and validated different aspects of its business, recognizing it can function very differently. The ability to manage and support remote workers, dealing with an ongoing business outside the office environment, be remote in servicing customers digitally, and provide solutions through connected enterprises’ design have each changed perception and the realization that we can sustain and still grow in more collaborative, open ways.

Sustainability is rising to be top or close to the top of a boards agenda. The growing concerns of several intertwined issues that are needing significant recalibrating. Where does our business fit within and alongside society, both in who we serve and society in general, coupled with realising that the planet is heading towards a critical crisis and what we can do to reduce these pressures? Continue reading

Missing the building blocks of ecosystem design in the Energy Roadmap by IEA

I have been reading a groundbreaking report,  the world’s first comprehensive study on how to achieve a“Net-Zero by 2050: a roadmap for the global energy system“(referred to as NZE here in this link). It is produced by the International Energy Agency (IEA)

Why is this so important? Well, it is about the most dramatic change in our Energy Systems globally and emphasised that this decade is pivotal to reaching the targeted goal of net-zero by mid-century. Each decade will bring dramatic change to all of our lives. Our planet is under significant threat of global warming that will impact how we can live and perhaps survive.

This 2050 target is in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement, the foundations of global consensus to limit the rise in global temperature to 1.5c. This requires nothing short of a total transformation of the energy systems, a complex “beast” that provides us with the basic energy sources we need to survive, live, build and grow.

The report sets out a cost-effective and economically productive pathway, resulting in a clean, dynamic and resilient energy economy dominated by renewables like solar and wind instead of fossil fuels. The report also examines key uncertainties, such as the roles of bioenergy, carbon capture and behavioural changes in reaching net zero.

The Energy System is a complex Ecosystem. Continue reading

Looking beyond ESG

I have been undertaking some investigative work on sustainability. It is fascinating to read, evaluate and recognize how each business is tackling its response to this. Sustainability has become increasingly important when facing a climate crisis and a rapidly changing world where nature is significantly under threat. It is we, the human race, that has prompted the crisis but have the power to change this into a more equitable world.

You get the growing sense that various stakeholders around our businesses are placing pressure on organizations to respond far more to managing sustainability, especially the large, more global ones. The growing concerns will form around Governance, Strategy, Risk Management and Metrics and Targets for distinct disclosures relating to their business.

Business tends to fall back on the broad ESG themes

Business tends to ask the question, “How do we offer sustainability pathways to drive business value? Now that is a very targeted positioning, and you naturally ask the follow-up questions. Questions to naturally frame this are “how do we reduce costs and risks?  “to strengthen the trust with stakeholders” and “find the new growth opportunities”.  These perhaps give a sustainability pathway internally but do these really tackle the bigger external issues such as climate challenges, environmental degradation or social inequality. Is that the role of the business or Governments and institutions set up to balance and defend, like the UN or the WEF.

Business often gets caught in its own world searching for customer impact, making sure it is empowering its people, applying technology appropriately and having a growth mindset. These are very business goal-driven and, if applied well, do deliver a more sustainable world but is this enough in today’s world? I think this is too narrow, we need to really step outside and view how our purpose builds into the external issues, that we all face, recognizing a significant crisis is ahead.

Much as I can relate to the ESG approach, I am not confident it is pushing hard enough as a framework. Continue reading

IoT and Sustainability: How economic growth and sustainability fit together.

So, what is the future for humanity, and where does technology with a purpose fit? Can we envision a new era of sustainability powered by IoT?

An exchange recently between Dr Peter Körte, Chief Technology Officer and Chief Strategy Officer of Siemens AG, with Martin Powell, Head of Sustainability & Environment Initiatives at Siemens Financial Services, tackled these questions in a discussion facilitated by Oisin Lunny as the host.

During the Hannover Messe week (12- 16th April 2021), this exchange took place as part of Siemens events in a specially constructed virtual environment. I would recommend finding time to visit this three-day event as it will be available for some weeks. It really is worth it; sign up here,, to gain access.

So, can IoT and Sustainability fit together to give us real economic growth? Continue reading

The infinite possibilities with Siemens Industrial IoT.

I recently listened to a great topic from a panel of experts that certainly opens all our thinking to all the possibilities ahead of us in the Industrial IoT world.

At the Siemens Digital Enterprise Virtual Experience, held in the Hannover Messe 2021 week, entitled “Infinite opportunities from infinite data”, one specific panel discussion stood out.

When you have three leading experts offering insights into a new world of industrial possibilities, you do expect some exciting opinions from each of these leaders in their specialized area.  You hope and get some fascinating insights.

The discussion was between Rainer Brehm, CEO Siemens Digital Industries Factory Automation, Raymond Kok, Senior Vice President, Cloud Application Solutions and Derek Roos, the Co-founder and CEO of Mendix, the low-code application and development platform, facilitated by Sebastian Wolf, the Senior Marketing Director for Siemens MindSphere.

IT and OT have been notoriously hard to bring together, can this be a game-changer? Continue reading

Accelerating Innovation comes from Ecosystem thinking

Just a reflective moment I am sharing here on the place of Ecosystem thinking.  We need to recognize the changes we need to undertake, even in a world of infinite possibilities. We chose to explore new ways of working; new solutions to difficult challenges need a new approach to accelerating innovation through ecosystem thinking.

In my view:

“Today and in the future, to take where we are in our technology and digital understanding and feed it greater human ingenuity, we give it intelligence, real new intelligence not just the artificial stuff. When we combine the collected knowledge found in a network of collaborators, we can dramatically advance the solutions sought by unlocking previously intractable problems.”

The new environment offers us infinite possibilities
Continue reading

Creating A Unique Nested Hydrogen Ecosystem for the Energy Transformation

Ecosystems hold a certain fascination for me. The ecosystem approach can tackle and help resolve some of the more complex issues we face.

We increasingly use the word “ecosystem” to describe our environment that we operate with, but we are often diluting its true positioning.

Truly unique ecosystems are hard to find and certainly to manage. One I really feel reflects a collaborative model worth explaining is the ones that are forming around Hydrogen as the alternative energy vector based on renewables. To replace or become a significant part of any entrenched energy system requires a system design approach. This part of the energy transition fits within the ‘greater’ energy system design.

Let’s look at this with some context and then clarify that approaching Hydrogen needs a unique Ecosystem design. We are presently building a unique ‘nested’ Hydrogen Ecosystem within the Energy Transition. It is interesting to explore, firstly here and then in a follow-up post on one of its specific parts. Continue reading

The Power of Innovation Ecosystems

Powerful networked ecosystem

We are entering the world of innovation ecosystems where broader, more complex innovation challenges, through greater collaborations can be achieved.

So to help, there is a dedicated site to building the arguments and exploring options for your future here in collaborative designs and you have found it!

Collaborative Ecosystems are forging a new direction and momentum for innovation to travel and tackle more demanding innovation that requires the capabilities of more than one to deliver what is becoming increasingly possible through technology and the network effect we see through our growing connections.

For many today, innovation is simply not working, it remains a disappointment for a variety of reasons, especially for those leading organizations required to be seeking out new growth, operating in increasingly volatile and tough markets where disruption and copying are increasing the pressures. Something has to change and it is this recognition that it can come from managing innovation in ecosystems that can provide part of the answer. Continue reading

Thinking differently about Ecosystems

Thinking about ecosystems certainly allows us to go out of our normal scope of the possible invention by allowing us to push innovation and be creative to accelerate and extend our thinking well beyond just knowing as one, we connect to many and all the diversity of knowledge and understanding this can offer.

The ability to tackle those larger societal problems within an ecosystem, or combine unique resources to overcome a complex business challenge you are incapable of solving alone, does have greater potential in a collaborative adaptive system. Collaborating is the route to greater value and enhancing a shared objective, extending the scope and scale beyond just your borders or offering.

Ecosystem co-operations can allow you to align with others, totally outside your existing relationships, so you can enter new markets, explore new concepts and design, that would have been impossible as an individual organization.

Applying ecosystem thinking offers you the collaborative ability to extend beyond more traditional delivery channels, or being restricted to only utilizing your own existing infrastructure. It allows you to search and build on others that can add their specialization to build out that “greater” concept. Continue reading

Connecting future value will come from Ecosystem thinking

Ecosystems can offer so much connecting value out there to ‘form’ around.

The value of breaking down long-standing boundaries is occurring with or without you.

Barriers are dissolving as more recognize the need and value of coalescing around a networked ecosystem.

The chances for greater, more radical innovation to grow the business comes from exploring mutual opportunities to capture new economic value.

We are witnessing a very radical change, driven by technology, increasingly disrupting and breaking down past traditional boundaries, partly built to defend positions so as to achieve economic scale. Ecosystem thinking for designing the future of business collaboration is central to the changes we are navigating through today.

There is a new economic logic to build even greater scale, it involves greater complexity, yet its value proposition is to strive towards offer greater customer experience and satisfaction, where the solutions are valued highly in social and economic value. Continue reading