Building Momentum in Business Ecosystems: Research Insights and Future Directions

Recognizing how connected Business Ecosystems need to be

During the August period, quieter for client engagement, it gave me the opportunity to really do some extensive research across the multiple topics around Business Ecosystems.

The research reminded me that in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the concept of Business Ecosystems is gaining increasing prominence but is still not well understood.

There is a real need for companies to remain competitive but they are seemingly striving to gain value reliant on old or existing tools and thinking.

The value of Business Ecosystems, in thinking and design for leveraging their growth is still hesitant for so many to investigate or explore. Building justification for making a change in thinking takes time and validation. This further research will yield more for convincing many still reluctant to “open up” to this change to recognize the need for this Ecosystem thinking to happen…… them.

Simply, it is recognizing that these business ecosystems are becoming so crucial to resolve the complex challenges we are facing to day and that needs collaboration and co-creation but are complex in their structure and execution.

I have tried to summarize the key insights and areas of inquiry from this recent research in the following ways:

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A suggested sequence into the Interconnected Business Ecosystem framework

Putting sequence into the building of Interconnected Business Ecosystems

How would you sequence these within a interconnected business ecosystem environment?

As I continue to build out the Interconnected Business Ecosystem framework into my version 2 following the opening post Extending out the Interconnected Business Ecosystem as necessary. That opening post outlined each ecosystem in its specific concept approach, positioning and focus area that define the ecosystems and suggest the distinctiveness and value parameters this gives.

Initially I focused on framing this around four ecosystems: innovation, business, dynamic and enterprise as interdependent ecosystems. In the past few months I have been questioning this and believe the interplay was lacking in recognition that other ecosystems were coming into play. Here I deal with the sequencing.

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