Accelerating Innovation comes from Ecosystem thinking

Just a reflective moment I am sharing here on the place of Ecosystem thinking.  We need to recognize the changes we need to undertake, even in a world of infinite possibilities. We chose to explore new ways of working; new solutions to difficult challenges need a new approach to accelerating innovation through ecosystem thinking.

In my view:

“Today and in the future, to take where we are in our technology and digital understanding and feed it greater human ingenuity, we give it intelligence, real new intelligence not just the artificial stuff. When we combine the collected knowledge found in a network of collaborators, we can dramatically advance the solutions sought by unlocking previously intractable problems.”

The new environment offers us infinite possibilities

We have new frontiers and unexploited opportunities everywhere when we push through today’s constraints. We have more connected hardware to open up our physical and digital realms, and thirdly we have access all the time to more real-world data than ever before. The birth of the digital and physical ecosystems that enable innovation like never before.

We have some awesome power available to us; can’t we unlock the potential to change where we seem to be heading?

We have entered the new innovation era as we combine in ways not possible until recently. If we take any industry, any societal problem, as we tackle climate challenges, it is the power of connected innovation to make a difference and give us our breakthroughs. We have the tools to tackle big (and stubbornly small) challenges in collective environments.

We are not changing everything as we are still searching for the “how and what”, but we are pushing ourselves by opening up to the “where and why” in such different connecting ways. We are recognizing sharing what we know accelerates understanding for all those involved.

Understanding Ecosystems and how they work is becoming essential for us.

Recognizing ecosystems are vital, combining human, technology and data allows us to pursue multiple possibilities, explore them faster than before, evaluate them in quicker, smarter ways and scale those that show promise for all of us to be more efficient, considerate and respectful of finite resources to undergo a change from individualism to revaluing community and supporting each other in resourceful ways and respecting all that is around us needs to be more balanced.

We can search not just for entirely new capabilities, but also we can take real advantage of actively reshaping so much to rejuvenate and value much that is all around us in different ways of behaviour and reflection. It is the power of ecosystems that can allow us to innovate differently, more designed for sustaining .what we have of this plant we rely upon.

We need a new way to work in ecosystems, different from our past. In simple terms, we begin in well-judged steps:

  • We must constantly look beyond the walls we build around ourselves, we think they protect us, but actually, they trap us in a limited universe.
  • If we do not cultivate sharing and embrace cross-collaborations, we never gain real agility and see “value” beyond our limited experience.
  • When we stop from exploring, in investing time to ‘force ourselves,’ we stop failing. We need to learn faster and learn the ability to correct as we go. We need both the ability for marathons and sprints.
  • What we value needs ethical guardrails; if we just rely on what we are “fed”, we lose the ability to balance and reflect.
  •  We need diversity to fill our lives; however painful this sometimes can be, it gives balance and new structure.

We need the power of those around us to coalesce into a collaborative environment where innovation thrives in an Ecosystem world that recognizes the importance of collective system learning to interact with all of its parts in better, more thoughtful ways. Ecosystems offer the environment for us to evolve.
